Introducing the SSF Blog!

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Welcome to the SEBS Scholarship Foundation blog!

We’re glad you’re here! Here we’ll post scholarship updates, event information, college and application tips from our volunteers, and announcements from the Foundation.

2020 Scholarship Updates

As of the post date, we are busy reading all of the 2020 applications and choosing the finalists. We will announce the winner of the scholarship by May 14.

We are LOVING all of the applications we received, and we are confident that every one of you will go on to do great things! You rock!

We Need Your Feedback!

If you are a SEBS senior (whether you applied for the scholarship or not), we would really appreciate it if you could fill out this feedback form. This will help us make the SEBS Scholarship a better experience for future classes! In addition, if you’d like to help us administer the scholarship for future classes, get in touch with us to volunteer. We’d love your help!

…and a Free Resource for You!

Finally, if you still haven’t decided on a college yet, we’ve created a free college decision matrix tool to help!

We’ve got some more posts planned in the coming weeks, but for now, feel free to explore our main site and learn more about us.

Until next time!

Keep in touch! Subscribe to the SSF Newsletter today for news and updates!

Have any questions you'd like to ask, requests for articles, or feedback? Email us at

Written by Holly Lakin on Apr 25, 2020