2020 SEBS Scholarship Recipient Announcement

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Announcing the 2020 SEBS Scholarship Recipient…

The past few months have been a whirlwind of change and emotion for many, particularly seniors everywhere who were unable to complete their final year of high school the way they imagined. The SEBS Scholarship changed quite a bit, too, in the months, weeks, and even days leading up to the announcement of our inaugural scholarship results. Hopefully, the changes we made are able to bring a little bit of light to a trying time and reinvigorate the excitement of the future.

We are incredibly proud of all the graduates and want to extend the biggest CONGRATULATIONS for your accomplishment! We are confident that you will go on to do amazing things in all your future endeavors, whatever they are!

Surprise! Additional awards!

The scholarship applications we received met and exceeded our expectations for SEBS graduates! You blew us away with your commitment to your studies and extracurricular activities, drive to better yourselves and the world around you, and resilience to challenges you’ve faced along the way.

We decided to increase this year’s award to first and second place prizes!

First place: $900 scholarship to selected college + $100 gift card to the student for college-related expenses

Second place: $100 gift card to the student for college-related expenses

Scholarship Recipients

First Place


Marianna Benitez


"Next year I will be attending the University of Colorado Boulder and I am looking forward to studying architectural engineering and making new friendships!"

Second Place


Cassandra Cooper

Creative Technology

"I plan to attend The Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). While at RIT, I plan to major in film production and am looking forward to my junior and senior year there where I will have the opportunity to work with Netflix and Disney!"


Here For Everyone

As we’re still a small organization in our first year of operation, we were only able to give away two monetary awards this year. However, based on the applications we received, we felt that every one of you deserved it! So, we want to offer something to the entire class of 2020.

Not only are volunteers at SSF fellow SEBS alum that are always happy to chat and are there for one another, but we are also fellow college students who are here for you! Regardless of if you choose to volunteer, we are here to help! We’ve all had very different experiences after high school, and we want to provide that to you as a resource, so please Contact Us with any questions you have about SSF, college, or life in general!

Volunteers also get to do hands-on work in a safe and professional environment. Being a registered non-profit business, we have real business needs, so there are numerous positions available that will give you lots of real experience without a long-term commitment. It took a whole team to make the 2020 SEBS Scholarship happen.

Please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form if you’re interested!

Again, a huge congratulations to all the applicants and graduates! We can’t wait to see what you do in the future!

… and don’t forget to send us your Feedback!

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Have any questions you'd like to ask, requests for articles, or feedback? Email us at help@sebsscholarship.org.

Written by Holly Lakin on May 14, 2020