5 College Tips From SEBS Graduates

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Advice From SEBS Graduates

As an organization founded and operated by prior SEBS graduates, we’ve collectively had many very different college experiences. There are many things we wish we would’ve been able to tell ourselves before we started college. Since we can’t turn back time, we thought we could share some of those things with you!

#1 Go to Class

Though this may seem like common sense, in college there is no one to hold you accountable. Many college students find themselves missing a lot of classes their first year, and this can become very detrimental very quickly. You won’t learn if you don’t go to class, so don’t expect to be able to just pass your final at the end of the semester. Do your very best to keep good habits and get to class on time.

#2 Do Your Homework

This is another point that may seem like common sense. Once again, you will rarely be asked by professors more than once to turn in your homework. On top of that, many classes have homework assignments that are optional.

You should always try to do your homework, even if it’s optional. Homework is given out to provide you a time to practice your skills and get feedback. If you don’t do the practice, don’t expect to pass the exam.

#3 Don’t Overload Yourself

There are many students that give themselves a large workload their very first year to try to get ahead. Though you should push yourself to do your best, also keep in mind the trade-off between quantity and quality. The more classes you take, the more you have to divide your time and focus, so make sure you build a schedule that works for you.

#4 Join a Group

Whether it be a college-sponsored club, an interest group, or just some peers working together, joining some sort of academic group can help you out a ton. By working with peers, you not only have support for homework and studying, but you also gain people to help hold you accountable. Plus, being away from family and dealing with the stresses of exams can and likely will take a mental toll on you, so it’s important to have someone to talk to. Additionally, just doing a fun activity (academic or not) regularly can make your time much more enjoyable.

#5 Network with Professors

Your college professors will be one of your greatest resources for many reasons. By spending time getting to know your professors and engaging actively in class, you will start to build a relationship with them. This can be beneficial as they often know of exciting opportunities and have many connections that they have made over the course of decades in industry. Getting to know your professors can end up being just as beneficial in and outside of the classroom.


Though these are only a few pieces of advice, we feel that this advice can make a profound impact on your college experience. We know there are things we didn’t address and that everyone’s experience is unique, so we want to encourage you to email us at blog@sebsscholarship.org with any questions you may want to ask us about starting college.

We wish everyone the best of luck starting this next chapter of your lives!

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Written by Levi Muniz on May 21, 2020